These images were taken from the southeast corner of Westwood Boulevard and Weyburn Avenue, looking directly at the northwest corner of the same intersection. The vintage image is from the 1940s. I did not frame my image exactly the same as the older image because the entire left side of the former Westwood Drug building is obscured by trees. The former drugstore has been subdivided into a dentist office and a variety of subdivided small businesses along Weyburn. Note the identical window and chimney positions on the north side of the building. Note also how at some point the decorative exterior shutters and the metal weathervane at the peak were removed. The 40s street lamp junction was replaced at some point with the traffic signal that stands in the same spot today. Finally, the mature palm tree there today looks strikingly similar to the young one from the 40s - can't tell for sure but the tree looked very old when viewed up close.